Thursday, March 25, 2010

Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200

Hey, look who just got lawyered up:

Embattled Senate President Malcolm Smith has hired prominent criminal defense lawyer Gerald Shargel to help him deal with mounting investigations.

Shargel, whose Web bio says he focuses only on "the defense of serious criminal cases," was hired two weeks ago amid a U.S. attorney probe into New Direction, a nonprofit founded by Smith and Rep. Gregory Meeks.

Shargel is also aiding Smith with a state inspector general probe into the ill-fated Aqueduct race track racino project.

Maybe Smith's defense attorney can help defend him over allegations he steered a charter school he founded to some land owned by a political donor/real estate developer too.

It will be a pleasure to see Smith frog-marched out of Albany in handcuffs and tossed in jail.

Maybe he can share a cell with Bernie Kerik.

Given the number of investigations currently being conducted on Smith, it seems like it will only be a matter of time before the frog-march is a done-deal.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget Smith's mentor, Reverend Floyd "Slots" Flake.

    Yes, seeing these two in a perp walk will be good for the soul.
