Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bennet Wins

Proving that the backing of the White House, the Democratic establishment, Wall Street and hedge fund criminals like Whitney Tilson should never be underestimated, Michael Bennet beats Andrew Romanoff pretty handily.

The Denver Post and the AP have called it for Bennet.

With 64% of the vote counted, Bennet leads Romanoff 54.4%-45.5%.

Before we get all teary-eyed, let's remember that Bennet was SUPPOSED to win this primary.

Hell, given that he had the backing of the White House, the Democratic establishment, Wall Street and hedge fund criminals like Whitney Tilson plus all that yummy yummy campaign cash money to throw around, Romanoff should not have been in the race at all.

Nonetheless, the Obama people still tried to buy Romanoff out with an administration job last September when he first announced his intentions to run.

When that didn't work, Obama raised cash and made appearances and even did a drop-in at a tele-town hall last week.

Uncle Arne, when he wasn't busy at his day job closing schools and firing teachers, also lent a hand to Bennet.

And make no mistake, JP Morgan Chase, BoA and the rest of the banksters took care of Bennet too.

Union members - teachers and nurses - fought the good fight against him.

But it's hard to fight that uphill battle when you've got the establishment and Wall Street against you.

As unionized teachers in traditional public schools, we know all about that, don't we?

Anyway, Obama must need corporate whores like Bennet in the Senate really badly to work so hard to save Bennet's corporate whore ass.

You can bet if there were any teachers who voted for Bennet tonight, they will rue the day when Obama and Bennet push through NCLB Jr and institutionalize the closing of schools, the firing of teachers, teacher pay and evaluations tied to test scores, and lots of for-profit charters replacing traditional public schools.

Unless Bennet gets arrested for that JP Morgan/DPS deal., of course.

If there were any justice in the world, doing a deal like that which pays off so handsomely for JP Morgan Chase, then taking Chase's money (and money from other banksters and hedge fund criminals) during the campaign WOULD be illegal.

But that would truly take some CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN.

And we're not going to get that from people like Barack Obama or Michael Bennet.


  1. As much as Bennet had the backing of hedge funders, Wall Street, and Obama, when the hell are people going to wake up and see how twisted this country and its political process has become?

    The public's apathy and confusion is getting downright depressing.

  2. You're right, Pogue. Many Dems do not seem to be too upset by the status quo. Or even if they are, they are going to support the WH anyway.

    That's why they feel they can be disdainful of the left. because they KNOW most will support them anyway.

    But not me.

    Fuck Obama.

    Seriously, fuck him.

    Oh, and fuck Larry Summers, Timmeh Geithner, Arne Duncan, and Ken Salazar too.

    And while we're at it, fuck Michelle also.

    That Oprah-esque trip she took to Spain w/ entourage was bullshit.
