Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Saturday, August 7, 2010

How Ravitzing

The hit piece on Diane Ravitch by new DOE p.r. flack Natalie Ravitz at Huffingtonpost is badly written and not terribly convincing.

The comments responding to it are quite illuminating, however, so you should make sure you read those.

Wow, Klein really is scraping the bottom of the barrel if this is the best he can do to push back against Diane Ravitch's blistering, dead-right attacks on the Bloomberg/Klein "Education Miracle" at Huffingtonpost and the Daily News last week.

I don't get it.

Bloomberg has Howard Wolfson, one of the sleaziest lying sacks of shit to ever work political p.r., on the payroll and they're going with a third stringer like Ravitz?

It reminds me of the last few years of the Bush administration when all the really good bullshit artists and liars like Karen Hughes and Ari Fleischer had moved on and poor Scott McClellan was left to defend the indefensible during the Hurricane Katrina disaster and the CIA leak scandal.

Scott was in over his head and so is Ms. Ravitz.

And actually, now that the test scores have fallen to their "real" levels in NYC and we can see that the achievement gap between black and Hispanic students and white and Asian students is LARGER than before Bloomberg and Klein took autocratic control while reading and math scores are LOWER than they were in 2004, we can see that both Klein and Bloomberg are in over their heads too.

It's time to take back control of the system from the Kleins and Bloombergs, the Obamas and the Duncans.

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