Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bill Gates In Parade

Some jive ass ed deform propaganda:

"In almost every area of human endeavor, the practice improves over time," says Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. "That hasn't been the case for teaching."

What the hell is he talking about, in almost every area of human endeavor, the practice improves over time?

Has he ever tried top use a Microsoft software program or operating system?

Seriously - they keep churning out the same flawed, full of bugs crap year after year.

They get away with it because Gates is a ruthless businessman who crushes nearly ALL of his competition, but for him to denigrate teachers and teaching as a profession take a lot of balls.

Frankly, somebody in the media should stop bowing down to this modern day Pullman and call him on his shit.

Hey, Bill, why don't you get out of the education reform business and try making a decent operating system in your own computer business?


Because Gates knows even less about education than he knows about making a decent operating system.

And he definitely doesn't know much about that.


  1. Gates spouts whatever nonsense that comes into his head. It's incredible this man can conceive no value in teachers other than as instruments to raise test scores. Maybe he's got some sort of personality or mental defect that precludes him from imagining any such thing.

  2. Fuck you, Gates.....Vista for Windows SUCKS!!! Get off your ed deform horse and stick to creating a better operating system, asshole!!!!

  3. This is the man the AFT invited to be their keynote speaker.

    Weingarten needs to get fired.

  4. It's good to see that other people have the same frustration with the hypocrisy of a guy whose company creates shitty product year after year declaring another profession like teaching "failed."

  5. Like when Satan tempted Christ in The New Testament, offering him all the kingdoms of the world, these "leaders" like Weingarten and lesser ones like Mulgrew are tempted beyond their willpower just to rub elbows and share the same air as cats like Bloomberg, Gates, Obama, and the like. A few rides on the private jet is probably enough for them to think-"hey, I LIKE this shit...A LOT !
