Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ebay Sucks! So Does Paypal!

Just spent over an hour on the phone trying to resolve an issue with Paypal that is completely their fault. Then spent another 30 minutes trying to find a freaking number for Ebay that could be used to contact customer support. In both cases, I spoke to people somewhere overseas who didn't know the first thing about resolving the problem I was having. In the case of Ebay, the rep was curt and rude.

I am done with companies that are so concerned with profits and squeezing costs that they make contacting customer service more difficult than completing the 12 trials of Hercules and then hire such inept, cheap labor so that even when you finally do get through to customer service, you cannot get the problems resolved anyway.

And I am done with Ebay and done with Paypal.


  1. Not that it will be any consolation, but they are actually the same company--Ebay bought PayPal years ago.

  2. Ah, thus the same contact mechanism and the same awful service.

    Didn't realize they were the same company - but now it all makes sense.

    This is emblematic of the problem with America today - we are serviced by companies that have automated or outsourced all their customer relations departments in order to squeeze every last cent out of their labor coasts. And our politicians either used to run these companies before they went into "public service" or they have been bought off by them.

    And now they're in the education business!

    God help us all.

  3. Time Warner is no great shakes either.

  4. Check Out: www.paypalwarning.com

  5. Ebay and Amazon Sucks. On hold for hour with customer service that don't even speak English. Get with the program. Hello we live in the United States, Ebay & Amazon. Stop being cheap and get better call centers .
