Sunday, October 10, 2010

NY Times Nails Bloomberg/Klein On Their Test Scam

The Times reports that Bloomberg knew the NYC test scores were fraudulent in 2009, even as he was running his re-election campaign on how great the test scores were.

Anybody know what the mechanism is for putting a mayor in jail for fraud?

Because that's where Michael Bloomberg belongs, along with his chancellor, Joel Klein.

Instead the two of these crooks are being hailed as "education miracle workers" and given air time on NBC and print space in the Washington Post to spew more of their education reform jive.

Justice in this world can often be hard to come by, but if there is any at all, these two men will be exposed as the frauds they are, just as George W. Bush - once hailed as a "great leader" after 9/11 - was exposed as an incompetent moron after Katrina.


  1. It's time to dust off the Newspeak archives....

  2. Maybe we can redub Newspeak "Kleinspeak"?

