Monday, October 11, 2010

Questions of the Day

Do you think the editorial writers at the Times will read the news section of the paper and discover that the Bloomberg/Klein "Education Miracle" is actually a fraudulent mirage and that both Bloomberg and Klein knew this pre-2009 even as they were ratcheting up the mayor's campaigns for re-election and the renewal of mayoral control of the school system by touting the fraudulent test scores?


Because so far, whenever I see editorial pieces about education or the NYC school system at the Times, it's always about what a great job Bloomberg and Klein have done, progress has still been made despite the fraudulent test scores and other instances of Klein-metic, etc.

It's like the Times editorial writers live in an alternate reality devoid of actual facts and just swallow hole whatever p.r. crap emanates from Tweed and Bloomberg LP, er, City Hall.

The same can be said for the editorial writers at the News, Post, and Murdoch Street Journal.

While I'm at it, do you think that the editors at the Kaplan Test Prep/Washington Post, led by Fred "The Iraq War Was A Fine Idea And I Still Stand By That" Hiatt will read the Times piece and think twice before they give Klein a platform to spew horseshit?



  1. An education writer told me that news and editorial sections have nothing to do with one another and don't actually communicate much on the topic. So don't hold your breath waiting for progress on that front.

  2. A 20 billion dollar media mogul who owns the press in this town. Pitiful, since "the democratic process" goes out the window with this thug. A dark time, no doubt.

  3. I don't really need the editorial writers at the Times to communicate with the news writers.

    I just need them to read the news section.

  4. I advise you to sit while you wait.

  5. Good advice.

    Maybe I'll bring some food too.

  6. Kind of like the business page doesn't talk with the foreign desk, huh?
