Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Band

Rick Danko's voice always makes me feel melancholy, but in a good way.

Christmas must be tonight:


  1. Social Studies in Staten IslandDecember 25, 2010 at 11:25 AM

    The Band never gets any credit for being a great group. Its a shame that Danko and Manuel are gone due to suicide and rock and roll excess. Garth has to be 120 years old.

    Robbie has become too much of an egotistical prick which...

    Leaves only Levon, who as a cancer survivor, has come back to kick ass with his Midnight Rambles and that voice, still angry and surly as it was in 1976.

    Happy Holidays from your colleague in arms on SI.

  2. The Band will always be my number 1 fave for a musical group in this genre. They had three great singers, which is rare, and could do it all. A musician friend of mune told me a story pertaining to their skills as musicians.

    If you're a fan, you're aware of that famous live album they did at NY's Academy of Music on New Year's Eve, back in the day. They had New Orleans great Allen Tousant there. Some issue surfaced where the wrong musical charts were delivered to them at the last moment. In order to save the show with the horns, The Band had to completely convert their arrangements on the fly, so everything could come off as planned. And that album became the model of what a live album should be. It's often voted the best live album in pop history.

    Anyway, God bless Levon, Rick and Richard are in a better place, and Garth is still a birhgt light around the Woodstock area. By the way, please Goggle Garth Hudson and Band tribute, since he's just released a new set of songs by various artists saluting The Band, and its gotten rave reviews....And especially to Rick...Acadian Driftwood,Gypsey Tailwind, got a ways to go . . .

  3. Rick's voice is heartbreaking, haunting, unforgettable. Levon's autobiography is a must-read for anyone entranced by the Band. Don't miss it.
