Friday, December 24, 2010

New Year Fears

Scariest words I've heard in a long time:

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) told MSNBC that he expects the next six months to be an unusually productive time in Congress.

Said Schumer: "My prediction: The next sixth months will be more like the lame-duck, where there was a lot of productivity, than like the previous two years, when there was a lot of dart-throwing."

That would mean a NCLB redo with so many of the destructive policies Obama wants to promote - thousands of additional charter schools across the nation, teacher pay and evaluations tied to test scores in every state, national assessments, and thousands of "low-performing" schools closed across the country and all of those "bad teachers" fired.

And given the jive Weingarten is slinging in her Randi and Bill Show (they're just like Laurel and Hardy, only not as smart and a lot less humble), you can be sure that whatever "compromise" is forged in a NCLB redo, it will be devastating for students, teachers, and schools.

Another fine mess, yada, yada, yada...

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