Monday, January 24, 2011

City Practices Layoffs

No, I'm not kidding - but a judge really stuck it to Bloomberg:

On the same day Mayor Bloomberg was raising the specter of massive layoffs, human-resources workers from every city agency were being trained how to hand out pink slips without running into legal complications, The Post has learned.

The training session for about 100 HR staffers was the first of its kind since 2002.

It was conducted by experts from the Law Department and the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, which oversees personnel, on Thursday morning.

That same day, Bloomberg warned that thousands more layoffs could be in the offing if municipal unions don't provide givebacks on pensions and health benefits.

The mayor's budget for fiscal 2012 already assumes more than 5,000 layoffs -- and that's before Gov. Cuomo unveils the new state budget next month with what are expected to be heavy cuts in aid to the city.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg yesterday blasted a Manhattan Supreme Court justice who blocked the city from going ahead with planned layoffs, accusing her of playing havoc with the city budget.

Justice Emily Jane Goodman issued a temporary restraining order late Thursday preventing the Finance Department from axing nine deputy sheriffs and demoting three supervising deputy sheriffs.

When city lawyers pointed out that the agency would lose $4,045 in savings each day, Goodman interjected, "So, we can afford two chancellors?" -- a stinging reference to the deputy that Schools Chancellor Cathie Black was required to take on by the state education commissioner.

Speaking on his weekly show on WOR-AM yesterday, the mayor shot back: "This judge decides to step in [and say], 'Oh, I feel sorry for these people.' What about the taxpayers? We're going to have to lay off people now in other areas."

Touche for the judge - the city can afford two chancellors?

Indeed, it can.

At least Moneybags thinks it can.

Maybe if he had hired somebody for the chancellorship with, you know, education experience, Bloomberg wouldn't have had to hire two chancellors.

But the Mayor of Money never wants to hear criticism from others, not even a judge.

I'll also note the heartlessness of the mayor's words, mocking the judge:

This judge decides to step in [and say], 'Oh, I feel sorry for these people.' What about the taxpayers? We're going to have to lay off people now in other areas."

Nothing like a little empathy for people from the Mayor of Money, eh?

As for having to lay people off because the judge won't let him lay off nine deputy sheriffs, why doesn't he start with some DOE consultants?

Or test-loving deputy chancellor Shael, who shouldn't be anywhere near people, let alone in charge of them?

Or Cruella de Black herself, so unqualified for the job of chancellor that the mayor won't even let her answer her own questions.

Or how about getting rid of the $770 million dollar boondoggle known as CityTime?


  1. This reminds me of the George Clooney movie where he plays a person who is hired by companies to lay off people.

    Kudos to this judge, but not the judge in LA who rules against teacher seniority when laying off teachers.

  2. This is the same judge who sided in favor of the probationary teacher who got his job back in October. Mr. Bryant was terminated with a C31. He took the DOE to court. Justice Goodman sided with the petitioner/probationer.

    I get the feeling that Justice Emily Goodman is anti-Bloomberg

  3. Thanks for that information about the previous decision, Sweet Girl Tracie. I didn't realize that. With so many of these court decisions seemingly going against teachers and education advocates lately, it is good to see Bloomberg get a comeuppance. And the judge retorting "So we can afford two chancellors?" to the city's claims that the city would lose $4,045 a day in "savings" if the layoffs didn't happen was priceless. And dead-on correct too!
