Monday, February 21, 2011

The Pushback Against Little Andy Cuomo Heats Up

Little Andy wants to cut taxes for hedge fund managers and rich people while cutting services used by working and middle class people.

As I blogged earlier, Charles Barron interrupted his "Let's Cut Taxes For Rich People!" speech by chanting "Tax the rich! Tax the rich!" and "Shame on you! Shame on you!"

But according to NY1, Barron wasn't the only one to tell Cuomo he's wrong:

The Barrons may have been the most vocal at the Sunday night dinner, but they’re not alone. A majority of Democrats in the state Assembly and many in the state Senate are also pushing Cuomo to extend a tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers, which is set to expire at the end of the year.

"He may not really believe that everybody should share the pain. So we’re saying that there’s going to be resistance to any budget that’s going to kill our educational plans," said State Senator Ruth Hassell Thompson of the Bronx.

It seems this year’s caucus brought renewed vigor to members' desire to bring relief to the less fortunate and tax the rich, as leaders like Reverend Al Sharpton challenged lawmakers earlier in the day to fight against the proposed cuts to education and pension reforms that public employee unions are resisting.

“You cannot spare the super rich and penalize those that are helpless and vulnerable," Sharpton said.

Cuomo won't back down.

He says he has 77% approval ratings and that means New Yorkers back his polciy to lower taxes on rich people and starve working class and middle class people.

We'll see, Little Andy.

The opposition to your class warfare is starting to ratchet up.

Let's see what your poll numbers look like in a few months.


  1. Little Andy should have a talk with his dad. He probably forgot his roots! Andy, father knows best.

  2. His roots are as authentic as that bleached blonde Barbie Doll he's with...

  3. Cuomo is a disgrace. He is as Republican as they come. It makes me nauseous when I hear his name. His father is a God to me. . . but he is a . . . t u r d. . .

  4. BronxEnglish - well said...

    ASTRAKA, I wonder what the dad does think - this has been Little Andy's schtick since the Clinton years - privatize everything, cozy up to business, and rake in the dough. But you never hear the dad talk about Little Andy's policies as such. Just how proud he is of the son, etc.

    Anon, she's going to be the school food expert in the Cuomo admin! Ha! Barbie Doll indeed!
