Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Union Families Need To ONLY Support Politicians Who Support Union Workers

Via Political Wire, I see that if Wisconsin voters could do the 2010 election for governor all over again, Scott Walker wouldn't be sitting in the governor's mansion taking phone calls from phony David Kochs:

A new Public Policy Polling survey finds that if Wisconsin voters could do it over today they'd support Tom Barrett (D) over Gov. Scott Walker (R) by a seven point margin, 52% to 45%.

Key finding: "The difference between how folks would vote now and how they voted in November can almost all be attributed to shifts within union households. Voters who are not part of union households have barely shifted at all- they report having voted for Walker by 7 points last fall and they still say they would vote for Walker by a 4 point margin. But in households where there is a union member voters now say they'd go for Barrett by a 31 point margin, up quite a bit from the 14 point advantage they report having given him in November."

So clearly union members and their families supported the very guy who decided right after the election to screw them and bust their unions.

What the hell is wrong with union members that so many of them vote AGAINST their own economic self-interest?

The same thing happened in New Jersey where some union members voted for Chris Christie over Jon Corzine and helped give Christie the victory.

I wonder how they feel now that Christie has gotten famous making union members Public Enemy #1?

I know teacher colleagues of mine who voted for Bloomberg this THIRD time.

Yeah, bad enough the first two times, but how could any NYC teacher in his/her right mind vote for Bloomberg after all the school closures, the union bashing, the reduction of teacher rights and the datacation of the system?

Dunno, but a few did.

You can bet the corporatists do NOT vote against their self interests.

David Koch does not vote for Ralph Nader.

Mort Zuckerman didn't give Dennis Kucinich the nod back in 2008.

They vote for the guys who are going to help their bottom lines, not for the guys who are going to screw them.

But for some reason, some union members vote AGAINST their own economic self-interests and vote FOR the economic interests of the corporatists who are out to screw them.

This is INSANITY, pure and simple, and it MUST stop.

I duly hope the union people who voted for Scott Walker have made amends for their class sins by vowing to ONLY vote for their economic interests in the future.

Judging by the shift in polling for the state, it looks like they certainly would if they could when it comes to Scott Walker.


  1. Aren't you the same person who wanted Carl Paladino to win the governor's race because it would unite liberal Democrats or some "jive" like that?

    You figured it out -- elections have consequences. You support the party, even if it's the most insufferable DINO, because Republicans are dead serious about that whole Grover Norquist / drowning government in a bathtub thing.

  2. I moved from one borough to another a couple of summers ago. I went down in person to the Board of Elections to expedite my voter registration, mainly so that I could vote AGAINST Mayor4Life. That was my driving motivation.
