Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Week In Libya - $550 Million

But the country's broke, right?

The Pentagon says it has spent $550 million on U.S. military operations in Libya since efforts to protect civilians from Muammar Qadhafi’s regime began 10 days ago.

Details of expenditures on the Libya mission show the Defense Department spending more than 60 percent of the $550 million on bombs and missiles, Pentagon spokeswoman Navy Cmdr. Kathleen Kesler told POLITICO. The rest of the costs, she said, “are for higher operating tempo of U.S. forces and deployment costs.”

The total — the first official tab released by the Pentagon — reflects costs incurred in the mission between March 19 and March 28. It doesn’t include day-to-day military costs like troop salaries and the upkeep of ships that the Pentagon would have had to pay regardless of the action in Libya. The funding is being shifted from other U.S. operations.

Moving ahead, Kesler said, “future costs are highly uncertain,” though the Defense Department expects to incur added costs of about $40 million over the next three weeks as the operation transfers to NATO’s leadership. After that, if U.S. forces stay at the levels planned, U.S. military involvement would total about $40 million each month.

Meanwhile Republicans are readying to shut the federal government down over budgeting issues, Republican and Democratic governors all across the country are using manufactured "fiscal crises" to break public employees contracts, bust public employees unions, and lay off workers, and cities like Costa Mesa are laying off half the municipal workforce and privatizing every service in sight.

Smells like freedom.

New World Feudalism freedom.

1 comment:

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