Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bloomberg Meets Obama To Talk Immigration Reform

Whenever I see the words "reform" and "Bloomberg" in the same sentence, my bullshit meter goes up to heavy shit range:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg was in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday for a closed-door immigration meeting with President Barack Obama.

In addition to Bloomberg, the bipartisan guest list included former city Police Commissioner William Bratton, the Reverend Al Sharpton, the mayor of San Antonio, Philadelphia's police commissioner and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The mayor has stressed the need for immigration reform because immigrants create new jobs and businesses.

Bloomberg has testified before Congress, and last June he formed a coalition with Rupert Murdoch to advocate for reform.

Obama's plan calls for the federal government to secure the borders, hold accountable business owners who hire illegal immigrants and create a legal immigration system to meet the country's diverse needs.

In a later press conference, the mayor told reporters that he actually doesn't give a flying fuck about immigration or illegal immigrants at all, he just doesn't want to lose his houseboy Manuel to deportation.

Said the mayor, "No one, and I mean no one, makes an old-fashioned on the rocks the way Manuel does. I just can't afford to lose that kind of competence. Frankly, I don't think America can afford to lose that kind of competence. I mean, can we afford to trust NYC public school graduates to make my old-fashioneds the correct way? I don't think so, not until we get rid of LIFO, at any rate."

Warms my heart to hear the Mayor of Money speak so emotionally about such a serious issue.

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