Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fred Klonsky's Right

Really, really right.

End the co-dependency.

Only support politicians who support working people.


  1. I can't help but wonder who those politicians might be. Just about everybody has jumped on the anti-teacher bandwagon.

  2. You're right, Mr. Cantor. Right and left, Dem and Repub, many of the corporate pols are on the ed deform/anti-union bandwagon.

    But if unions and progressives would end the co-dependency and ONLY support pols who support them, I bet things would change.

    Obama is counting on union GOTV efforts in 2012.

    What if they gave an election and union members left the GOTV efforts for Obama at home and concentrated on local pols who support workers and unions?

    Might make for an interesting (and worried for Obama) election eve.

    And I bet the next time around, there might be less taking for granted the union vote.

  3. The IEA has been worse than that. Their political action fund, IPACE, has endorsed the most reactionary pro-war, anti-immigrant, even anti-labor candidates. Republican Senator Mark Kirk being a perfect example. No IEA member should contribute a dime to IPACE.
