Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Obama's Re-Election Chances

Not as good as the Sultan of Triangulation thinks:

A new McClatchy-Marist Poll finds 44% of American voters say they definitely plan to vote against President Obama in 2012, while 37% report they definitely plan to vote for him, and 18% are unsure.

If only progressives and union members would hold the president accountable by tying votes to policies, they might have him thinking twice about consistently screwing the liberal and union base of the party.

But that would mean progressives and unions would have to get over their co-dependency issues with the politicians they support and I just haven't seen any evidence that is going to happen - not on the left, at any rate.

That's why Dems take progressives and union members for granted and bash them again and again until GOTV time.

You'll note that ever since the right started to hold their politicians accountable for policy, Republicans FEAR their base.

Leave aside the policy stuff for a second - from a politics perspective, that is the best way to NOT get taken for granted and abused.


  1. I wouldn't call myself a 'birther", however, there's something foul in the state of Obama. The paucity of ANY real historical and/or background information on this guy is startling-ESPECIALLY since what is known begs definition. What do I refer to here...? Well, the fact that the "official" story of a Muslim father who abandoned his nuclear family early on, and other nebulous factors, make this president the most mysterious in history. NO school transcripts from grade school through Harvard Law School? As Harvard Law Review editor-NO articles published? As Columbia student, NO former classmates documenting their relationship(s) with Obama? No one remembers this guy at all at Columbia? No Columbia,Harvard, or Occidental transcripts- why not? Sorry, though this opinion isn't politically correct-I' like to know FAR more about my president. This guy is too unknown for my tastes...

  2. The perfect Manchurian Candidate...

  3. LoL RBE - "Sultan of Triangulation".

    Have you read Chris Hedge's "The Death of the Liberal class"? If not, I highly recommend it.
