Friday, April 22, 2011

Teacher Data Reports

I know nearly everybody around the education blogosphere has seen this letter to Mulgrew about the Teacher Data Reports from a veteran teacher.

It is important that we get this letter to people outside the education world who may not know what a travesty the Teacher Data Reports are or what nonsense the value-added measurement stuff is.

If you're not in the know, then you may think this stuff sounds like a common sense way to hold teachers accountable for their students' performances.

But given the flawed nature of both the data and the measurement mechanisms, given the reductionist nature of what the TDR's measure, and given the damage this is doing to public education, it is REALLY important that people outside of the education sphere learn about the dangers of the TDR's.

So send this letter to people you know who aren't teachers.

Send it as wide as you can.

And write the newspapers about the travesty that is the Teacher Data Report and ask just why they think this is such a great way to improve public education.

Do the same to the White House.

These are the people promoting this garbage.

I tend to think they know EXACTLY what kind of damage they are doing to teaching and public schools.

But I think it's important we make them defend it.

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