Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CUOMO: Teacher Evaluations Should Be Public, But My Records As Attorney General Should Not

Governor Cuomo said today he believes teacher evaluations in New York State should be made public.

He said open access to the records is important.

That's interesting, since he is shielding the public's access to his own records when he was the attorney general of New York:

ALBANY — Looking for records from Andrew Cuomo's tenure as attorney general? Good luck.

Fifteen months after leaving the Department of Law, Cuomo has sent almost nothing to the State Archives, designated by state law as the final resting place for every attorney general's papers.

The state Education Department, which oversees the archives, has inexplicably delayed the Times Union's request to review what three people familiar with the matter said are 10 boxes of records, or about a dozen cubic feet.


The Times Union reported last week that some of Cuomo's records sought under the Freedom of Information Law were discarded, and the request closed, as he ascended from attorney general to governor in 2010. The administration had delayed other requests lodged under FOIL, but says it is now current.

Apparently open access to the records of government employees is important so long as the government employee is NOT Andrew Cuomo.

Just another example of the hypocrisy of Governor 1%.

Hey, Governor, what are you hiding that you had some of the records from your tenure as attorney general destroyed and the rest you're sitting on for years and years?

If teacher evaluations should be public, then so should your records as attorney general.

Make those records public first and THEN we'll talk about teacher evaluations.

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