Thursday, April 5, 2012

Time To Investigate The NY Post, The Wall Street Journal, and FOX News For Hacking And Other Crimes

The NY Times covers the significance of the latest hacking allegations to beset Rupert Murdoch and News Corporation:

LONDON — The British satellite news broadcaster, Sky News, part-owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, acknowledged on Thursday that one of its journalists had hacked e-mail messages at least twice in search of news stories, suggesting for the first time that Britain’s hacking scandal has spilled into television broadcasting.


The admission, released in response to inquiries from The Guardian newspaper, came after months of overlapping police, parliamentary and judicial inquiries focusing on illicit voice mail hacking and other practices among journalists and editors at two Murdoch-owned tabloids, the now-defunct News of the World and The Sun.

The development seemed to break new ground, potentially ensnaring other parts of the Murdoch family’s British media outpost — indeed, its most lucrative television interest — into the web of scandal entangling its newspapers.

The family’s print and broadcast interests, however, are markedly different. Sky News, unlike the newspapers involved in the scandal, is not directly controlled by the Murdoch family. It is operated by the satellite broadcaster BSkyB, in which the News Corporation global media empire has 39.1 percent stake.

But word that a broadcaster part-owned by Mr. Murdoch, and overseen by his son James, who stepped down as chairman of BSkyB only two days ago, was now confronting a hacking issue, will likely sharpen the focus on allegations of wrongdoing within the financially significant television operations of Mr. Murdoch’s worldwide operations.

Let's see Joel Klein fix this baby.

We now have hacking by The Sun, The News Of The World, and Sky News.

We have TV piracy by Murdoch subsidiaries on at least two continents (Australia and Europe.)

The more investigators dig into Murdoch's empire, the more crime they find.

When will we get an investigation into Murdoch's empire holdings here in America - specifically FOX News, the NY Post, and the Wall Street Journal?

You can be sure that Murdoch's criminal activities didn't stop at the border.

It's time for the Obama administration to stop worrying about this looking like election-year politics and dig deep into this scandal.

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