Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mulgrew And Bloomberg Meet Every Six Weeks

The NY Post FOILed Mayor Bloomberg's schedule and found he met with Anthony Weiner a year before Weiner resigned in disgrace.

That's not surprising to me, of course. While Weiner played a fierce Bloomberg critic in public, I am not at all shocked to find out he was meeting with Bloomberg behind the scenes in order to make nice with Herr Mayor.

Weiner has no soul, no political conscience. He existed in the public sphere simply to aggrandize his own ego and advance his career ambitions.

Good riddance to him.

But even more interesting is this information from the end of the article:

In another fascinating tidbit from the schedule, teachers union president Mike Mulgrew met more frequently with Bloomberg than any other municipal-union leader, about once every six weeks.

What do Mulgrew and Bloomberg talk about at these meetings?

Is our venerable UFT president much like Anthony Weiner, playing fierce Bloomberg critic in public, while making nice with Herr Mayor in private?

Are Bloomberg and Mulgrew like wrestlers who meet before the match to telegraph their moves in order to maximize the drama while minimizing the potential for damage to the two of them?

I know labor leaders have to meet with the mayor and governor.

But given how dazzlingly inept the UFT often is at fighting Bloomberg's reform agenda, it's hard not be cynical about these kinds of meetings.


  1. Bloomberg's Inner Circle? = Mulgrew, Klein, Walcott, Moskowitz, Quinn, Duncan, Weingarten, King, Tisch, Cuomo, Obama, Murdoch, etc.

    Boy, teachers are up against it from all angles, aren't they?

  2. Let's never forget that Bloomberg would no longer be in City Hall if the UFT had opposed his legal bribefest for a third term and had actively opposed his re-election (while granting that his opponent was no great shakes, either), and that the current level of fear and demoralization in the schools would not be so high if Bloomberg had not been given dictatorial control of the schools, twice, by Weingarten/Mulgrew.

    As head of the teachers union, Mulgrew has the unfortunate obligation to meet with the mayor, and while like you I wonder what they discuss, I'd be much more curious to know what Randi and Mike discuss when she's a passenger on his private jet, aside from the excellence of the wine being served.

  3. TeachmyclassMrMayorMay 27, 2012 at 11:53 AM

    Michael, there is no question that they have to meet with the politicians, but considering the way that Weingarten and company have been if not openly, tacitly acquiescent with all of this it never could have gotten this far. I mean, they are educated people, how is it possible to be as stupid as they have been. They clearly are the dumbest PR people I have ever seen. The only time the mayor backed off was a few years ago when the Jewish holidays made a weird start of the school year, and Satan, Jr. (Klein) came out and screamed about the evil teachers union not allowing us to adjust the schedule. The next day, Mulgrew came out and said, hey wait a second, we do not have anything to so with the schedule. The DOE can do whatever they want with the schedule. Satan, Jr. & Adolph Napoleon slinked away with their tails between their legs. Showing once again, the only way you beat a bully is punch them in the face. Are you listening, Mulgrew & friends?

    You have to attack. Every chance you can.

  4. While it's advantageous to meet with the politicians, it seems Bloomgerg is winning on all counts. And soon Mulgrew will spin away seniority rights--which he already did with the ATRs. So glad when I was excessed decades ago, we had a union who still protected seniority. And when I was laid off decades ago, my union was there to give me training so I could get re-certified I was called back to my old school. Those days are gone!!
