Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Obama Barely Wins Kentucky, Arkansas Primaries

From Political Wire:

President Obama barely eked out Democratic primary wins in Kentucky and Arkansas, Politico reports.

The president didn't even have an opponent in Kentucky, but took just 57.9% of the vote, with the remaining more than 42 percent of ballots cast for "uncommitted."

In Arkansas, his unknown opponent, John Wolfe (D), won 41% of the vote.

Washington Post: "Although the results haven't stopped Obama's march to renomination -- he officially clinched the Democratic nod on April 3 -- they remain an indicator of not-insignificant pockets of unrest within his party."

The Post article goes on to say that there are two reasons Obama is underperforming in these southern state primaries - one is race, the other is many Dems in these states feel the Obama administration has been too far to the "left" on many issues that affect them, especially environmental issues.


But in my state, when the Democratic primary comes around, I too will be voting for a candidate other than Barack Obama.

I will then call the Obama campaign AND the Obama White House and let them know - the teacher bashing, the education privatization policies, the bank bailouts, the miserable HAMP mortgage program, the treatment of Bradley Manning, the use of drones to slaughter innocents around the world, the illegal surveillance - these are the reasons I am not voting for Barack Obama.

Not in the primary, not in the general.

And they're not going to scare me with the alternative.

Sorry, whether Mitt Romney brings us to feudalism at 100 MPH or Obama brings us there at 80 MPH, we're still getting to the Feudal State.

Oh, and last but not least - as soon as Obama is re-elected, he plans on going after Social Security and Medicare.

One more reason not to vote for this corporatist.


  1. You are absolutely right: Obama was hired to be the Democratic Trojan Horse to go after Social Security and Medicare. As Glen Ford of Black Agenda Report and others have pointed out, he also is there to help destroy the electoral alliance between blacks and progressives.

    Just as a Republican was needed to open up trade and investment with the Godless Red Chinese, a neoliberal Democratic is needed to fully roll back the New Deal, bust the teacher's unions and turn over the public schools (with nearly a trillion dollars in spending per year, it's an obvious target) to the investment banks, who feign displeasure at Obama's faux criticism of Wall Street.

  2. The reality is, or one of them is...the West's entire financial system has collapsed, only propped up by the printing of money from thin air to keep the entire civilization from crumbling. We have at least another decade here of this financial environment.

    The wealthy and powerful get much more wealthy and powerful when things fall apart, since they are experts at frightening the population into submission.

    This creates a system of consolidated power. This is why we have these super corporations "running the table" now. This is why we have "the winners"-corporations and punks like Bloomberg becoming even more ruthless.

    Imagine what NYC would become overnight if the "social net" checks stopped?

    This reality has led us to totalitarianism, with the rogue regime (primarily Wall St, military-industrial-dirty government) front and center. They will become more brazen...and desparate in broad daylight. We will see things unimaginable in the America of say thirty years ago...we already how is Jon Corzine walking the streets a free man as we speak...?

  3. If the Obama administration allows the DNC to fail to support the Wisconsin recall, then they will loose the support of unionists and workers and that will be his downfall. I am tired of his rhetoric and the same old message. The change will be the changing of the guard at Pennsylvania avenue.
