Monday, November 5, 2012

How Will The Neo-Liberals Use Sandy To Further Their Agenda?

USA Today reports that many people are going to be unable to live in their homes for a long, long time.

Bloomberg today said quite a few housing projects across the city are no longer habitable because of the storm.

You can bet there will be the kind of social engineering that went on after Katrina in New Orleans that will go on here in the tri-state area now that the neo-liberals have got a crisis to use.

I wonder how many of the schools damaged by Sandy will return as privatized charter schools?

I wonder how many of the veteran unionized teachers who worked at those schools will end up in the ATR pool and eventually pushed out of the system?

I wonder how Bloomberg, Cuomo, Obama, Duncan, et al. will use this disaster to help out the bottom lines of their Wall Street bundlers and cronies?

Because you know they will.

You know that Arne Duncan has been beside himself this week as he looks at all the destruction in the tri-state area.

If Katrina was the best thing that ever happened to the New Orleans school system, as Duncan so famously said, he's creaming his basketball skivvies over what Sandy did over a wide swatch of the tri-state - especially in low income neighborhoods like Far Rockaway, Coney Island, Red Hook, and on Staten Island.

They going to get a chance to use this crisis to further their privatization aims.

And make no mistake, they will.


  1. As that great humanitarian, Rahm Emanuel said, never let a good crisis go to waste.

  2. That's right - and you know they won't.

    It will be interesting to see how they go about the closure process this year post-Sandy.
