Sunday, March 3, 2013

22 Years Old, 22 Hours A Day, $22,000 A Year

This is what awaits students graduating from college in the creative majors:

“If I’m not at the office, I’m always on my BlackBerry,” said Casey McIntyre, 28, a book publicist in New York. “I never feel like I’m totally checked out of work.” 

Ms. McIntyre is just one 20-something — a population historically exploitable as cheap labor — learning that long hours and low pay go hand in hand in the creative class. The recession has been no friend to entry-level positions, where hundreds of applicants vie for unpaid internships at which they are expected to be on call with iPhone in hand, tweeting for and representing their company at all hours. 

“We need to hire a 22-22-22,” one new-media manager was overheard saying recently, meaning a 22-year-old willing to work 22-hour days for $22,000 a year. Perhaps the middle figure is an exaggeration, but its bookends certainly aren’t. According to a 2011 Pew report, the median net worth for householders under 35 dropped by 68 percent from 1984 to 2009, to $3,662. Lest you think that’s a mere side effect of the economic downturn, for those over 65, it rose 42 percent to $170,494 (largely because of an overall gain in property values). Hence 1.2 million more 25-to-34-year-olds lived with their parents in 2011 than did four years earlier. 

The young are logging hours, too. In 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, full-time workers ages 20 to 24 put in just 2.1 fewer hours a week than those 25 and over. That’s not a big gap of leisure for the ostensibly freewheeling time in one’s life. Or, to quote Lena Dunham’s 24-year-old aspiring writer in “Girls,” “I am busy trying to become who I am.”
A recent posting by Dalkey Archive Press, an avant-garde publisher in Champaign, Ill., for unpaid interns in its London office encapsulated the outlandish demands on young workers. The stern catalog of grounds for “immediate dismissal” included “coming in late or leaving early without prior permission,” “being unavailable at night or on the weekends” and “failing to respond to e-mails in a timely way.” And “The Steve Wilkos Show” on NBCUniversal recently advertised on Craigslist for a freelance booking production assistant who would work “65+ hours per week” (the listing was later removed after drawing outraged comments when it was linked on 

“The notion of the traditional entry-level job is disappearing,” said Ross Perlin, 29, the author of “Intern Nation: How to Earn Nothing and Learn Little in the Brave New Economy.” Internships have replaced them, he said, “but also fellowships and nebulous titles that sound prestigious and pay a stipend, which means you’re only coming out with $15,000 a year.” 

Once a short-term commitment at most, internships have become an obligatory rite of passage that often drags on for years. 

“Particularly in some rock-star professions — film and TV and publishing and media — companies are pushing the envelope to see how much they can get out of young people for how low a stipend or salary,” Mr. Perlin said. “And people are desperate enough to break in to do it.” 

 Welcome to serfdom.


  1. Sounds like the blueprint for Mayor Bloomberg's fantasy UFT contract.

    1. Or a little like the contract offered to Philadelphia teachers:

  2. Enter the longer school day and school year: preparation for digital serfdom.

    1. I totally agree. That's why the Masters of the Universe so love KIPP. It sets the standard for socializing children to grow into adults who expect to work 65 weeks for little pay while being verbally and physically abused by the bosses.

  3. I wonder if enough parents are noticing that this abuse will have a Reaganesque trickle down effect onto their kids? The level of contempt in this contract is the stuff of Rhee's most grotesque fantasies.

    1. It's becoming a survival of the fittest competition, with the game rigged for those with the social and economic capital and the rest of us left to fight it out over the leftovers. I have long said that until the oligarchs fear, truly fear, that there will be some mass uprising to take what they have, they will continue the trickle up policies.

      For a very short time after the collapse of Lehman and Bear and the near collapse of AIG, hedge fund managers and bankers in Greenwich were getting harassed at Starbucks and other places because people were blaming them for the recession and turmoil. But the 1%ers quickly turned that to fooling the populace into thinking unionized teachers and gov't workers and social programs were the real problems. And so the Tea Party was born and the 1%ers bankrolled it and laughed all the way to their Bermuda and Cayman Island post office boxes...
