Thursday, June 6, 2013

Microsoft And The Gates Foundation: Your Privacy Is NOT Their Priority

From The Guardian story about the Internet companies that are offering up email content, live chat transcripts, download logs, and other Internet activity to the U.S. government comes this gem:

Some of the world's largest internet brands are claimed to be part of the information-sharing program since its introduction in 2007. Microsoft – which is currently running an advertising campaign with the slogan "Your privacy is our priority" – was the first, with collection beginning in December 2007.

It was followed by Yahoo in 2008; Google, Facebook and PalTalk in 2009; YouTube in 2010; Skype and AOL in 2011; and finally Apple, which joined the program in 2012. The program is continuing to expand, with other providers due to come online.

Yeah, all these companies are evil, but let's face it: there's a special place in hell for Buffalo Bill Gates and the Microsoft barbarians.

You can't make this stuff up:

Microsoft is first to offer up the data and information to the government, then pulls out the old "Don't worry, we've got your privacy covered" ad campaign.

Just another reason why children's personal information and data ought not to be given over to the Gates Foundation for any reason.

Neither Gates entity - Microsoft nor the Gates Foundation - can be trusted with anything so personal.

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