Monday, September 23, 2013

Lhota Criticizes De Blasio As A Socialist

Well, if you can't run on issues, you can always red bait:

Bill de Blasio’s not ready to overthrow capitalism just yet.

Asked to respond to Republican mayoral rival Joe Lhota’s “Democratic socialist” hit, Mr. de Blasio wasted no time firing back, accusing Mr. Lhota of running a typical right-wing smear campaign.

“I am not surprised that my opponents will throw labels and call names. That’s a Republican tactic. That’s a right-wing tactic. We’ve all seen it plenty of times,” said Mr. de Blasio, flanked by Queens Democrats at an endorsement event this afternoon.

“I’m very proud to be a progressive,” he added. “I’m very proud to be a Democrat.”

Mr. Lhota’s charge stemmed from today’s front-page New York Times story, in which one of Mr. de Blasio’s former associates recalled that the public advocate once described his political views as “Democratic socialist.” Mr. Lhota called Mr. de Blasio’s alleged views “really unfortunate” and criticized him for supporting Nicaraguan revolutionaries and traveling to Cuba.

Lhota also criticized de Blasio for enjoying The Clash's Sandanista album over London Calling or Combat Rock, stating "Everybody knows Sandanista was bloated.  It should have been a single album, but they made it into a triple album.  I mean, for God sakes, having the roadie's kid sing "Career Opportunities?  What the hell is that?"

The de Blasio campaign had no comment.


  1. It is a good sign that de Blasio referred to himself as a "progressive". I cannot recall the last time a mainstream Democrat did such a thing. If he wins, he would be the most progressive mayor since Lindsey who was a Republican. Just proves how dead the left has been in this country for the past 35-40 years.

    1. You're right. Hard to believe - I was a little kid when Lindsey was mayor. That's a long, long time ago.

  2. I hope they drag him further left although I must admit London Calling is a better record.

    1. London Calling is one of the greatest albums ever. Really blew my head when I heard it. Every song on that album is great. Love that Mott the Hoople's Guy Stevens was hired for the production, even if he was too coked out to actually do any and Jones and Strummer had to produce it themselves.

  3. The Clash Self titled is obviously the best!

    1. American version or British version. I know some say the British version is better, but I like the American version with "I Fought The Law".
