Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cory Booker Beats Tea Party Candidate In Special Election

Yeah, he won by 12 percentage points (at least as of 10:10 PM.)

You know what?

He should have won by 30+.

Booker's opponent, Steve Lonegan, was a Tea Party favorite who trotted around with Sarah Palin during the campaign.

Booker faced a Tea Party opponent during the Washington default crisis brought on by Tea Party Republicans, something that hasn't been lost on Americans who now say they like the Tea Party even less post-default crisis than they did before it.

Booker's Daddy, Mike Bloomberg, had to drop a million bucks in the race to help Boooker pull this out.

And yet the media's favorite Dem, Cory Booker could only beat Tea Party Steve Lonegan by 12 points.

Nothing to brag about if you're Cory Booker.

It's a win - but it's not a pretty one.

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