Wednesday, October 30, 2013

NYSED Commissioner John King Finally Announces Common Core Meetings For NYC

From Jessica Bakeman at Capital NY:

ALBANY—The state Education Department plans to announce three New York City public hearings on the state's adoption of the more difficult Common Core curriculum standards, two weeks after scheduling 16 forums in upstate New York and on Long Island.

There will likely be at least five meetings in New York City, and the state expects to hold them by the end of the year, a spokesman said.

Critics questioned why the state didn't schedule meetings in New York City at the outset.


Leonie Haimson, executive director of the advocacy group Class Size Matters, said it's “extremely peculiar and hard to understand” why the state didn't schedule forums in New York City “until after people had complained.”

“It's really confounding to parents, and it seems to indicate that [State Education Commissioner John King] holds New York City parents in even lower regard than he holds parents in the rest of the state, which is not saying very much,” she said.

Where will they hold the meetings?

Will they do like the DOE does when they want to hold down public turnout for contentious issues like charter co-locations and pick a spot that's completely inaccessible to anybody without transportation?

Or will they hold the forums in accessible places that allow for many people to come and have their say?

I'm betting, since this is a p.r. campaign at this point, that they have the forums in pretty accessible places.

They want to make it look like they're listening to the public and making "adjustments" to the policies even though they're really doing neither.

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