Thursday, November 14, 2013

It's Governor Cuomo's Education Reform Agenda

There's a lot of attention aimed at NYSED Commissioner King and Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch over the state education reform agenda, but let's remember that while King and Tisch are the people out front selling the agenda, in the end this is Governor Andrew M. Cuomo's education reform agenda.

Start making calls to Governor Cuomo and let him know what you think about his agenda, how much you dislike the Common Core standards or the Common Core tests or the poor implementation of the reform agenda or the teacher evaluation system that forces so much extra testing onto children or the data collection project that hands over children's sensitive information to Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch.

Here's his number, email address and office address:

 (518) 474-8390

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

Give him a call, send him an email, write him a letter or, better yet, do all three.

Let him know how you hold him personally accountable for this education reform mess and will make sure you tell all your voting age family and friends at Thanksgiving Dinner just why they shouldn't vote to re-elect Governor Cuomo.

Don't think Cuomo isn't paying attentinon to the furor over the Common Core.

Because he is - reportedly even polling on the issue.

So contact him and let him know you know that this education reform mess has the name ANDREW M. CUOMO stamped on it.


  1. In the larger scheme ...Cuomo is merely "the help" compared to Tisch. Billionaires rule over pols like Cuomo

    1. Of course, but in reality, even the billionaires get the expediency politicians will engage in to save themselves.
