Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I Have A Twitter Conversation With Randi Weingarten

This was fun.

Had a little conversation with AFT President Randi Weingarten on the Twitter.

Randi wrote yesterday:

To which I replied:

To which Randi replied:

To which I replied:

I could have gone on, but she - and you - get the point.

She's talks a good game about supporting workers.

But time after time, she - and the heads of so many other unions - have made deals that have sold workers and union members down the river.

She likes to make believe this stuff never happened.

But we - the people who have been sold out by her "solution-based unionism" policies - are not going to let that happen.


  1. Sweet sassy molassey! That was good!

    Own it, Randi.

  2. Replies

      She's using it as the bogeyman. Reality is, unions have helped drive privatization too.

  3. Randi Weingarten and the AFT is on Bill and Melinda Gates payroll. That tells you all you need to know about her.

    1. I actually tweeted that to her the other day - she was calling for a defense of public education. I said "Great, start by giving back the $11 million in Gates cash you took."

      Few people in this world are as full of shite as she is. I think it's important to tell it to her face over and over and over.

      And it's fun, cuz' she responds. So you know it bothers her!

  4. Makes sense when you tweet with a twit like Randi.

  5. RBE. Let us all keep telling Rand and Mulgrew that they are full of shit. Be up front and polite, offer a tissue so they can wipe the shit off their shit eating grins.

    1. Absolutely. No name calling, just fact after fact after fact.

  6. TeachmyclassMrMayor(andyoutooMrMulgrew)December 4, 2013 at 8:45 PM

    I assume that after you cited five examples, there was no reply.

  7. I am impressed Reality! Thanks for remembering us in Newark!

  8. Bravo! You threw reality and facts in her face. All union members that feel betrayed by Randi and her "solution-based unionism" should tweet her the same responses you sent.

  9. Where are her defenders? Where is anyone besides the deformers themselves who think any of this crap is good? Like Norm has always said... not what they say... but what they do!

  10. Fabulous... I have sparred with Randi via Twitter a few times myself and I happen to enjoy each and every time. Mostly because, she most often replies, and usually gives her double talk.

    Keep following her twitter account.. :)

  11. You forget to add ATRs--that's 5. Given up our parking permits--that's 6. Extended time where none of the guide lines were followed--That's 7. Open Market--that's 8
    Endorsing Common Core--that's 9. Forming an alliance with Gates--that's 10. Mulgrew's supporting of Pearson taking over teacher certification in NYS--that;s 11. Endorsing InbBloom--that's 12 and finally Not allowing UFT rank and file to vote of important negotiations---priceless!!
