Sunday, December 8, 2013

Randi Weingarten And The Day Of Action

Gates Foundation cash-flushed Randi Weingarten is advertising a "Day of Action" to save public education tomorrow.

As I told Randi on twitter (a conversation you can see here), she's full of crap over this "save public education" stuff since she's done so much to wreck it herself - from signing off on the Race to the Top reforms, caving on tying teacher evaluations to test scores, carrying water for the Common Core Federal Standards, and doing business with education reform criminals like Chris Cerf to agree to voodoo VAM measurements like the infamous Teacher Data Reports in NYC that saw teachers have their names splashed in the papers under headlines like "Worst Teacher In NYC."

The other heads of the unions - Van Roekel, Mulgrew, Iannuzzi - are full of crap too, so this is not just aimed at Weingarten.

But she's the most visible of the union leaders, the one who makes it to the Andrew Cuomo education reform commissions and MSNBC panels on education reform, so I reserve extra special disdain for her.

This Day of Action is all about Weingarten - just like so many other things involving the AFT and the UFT when she was the head (remember when she grabbed the microphone from a nine year old boy at the commemoration of the 1963 March on Washington so she could take back the spotlight?)

If Weingarten wants to save public education, she can start by stepping down from the AFT, getting the hell off the reform committees, cease doing the reform panels that frame teachers as the problem in schools and dropping the Gates Foundation cash that makes the AFT into a subsidiary of the Bill Gates reform movement.


  1. You are 100% correct, they ALL need to go and be replaced~Now!

    1. The leadership at the AFT, the NEA, the UFT and the NYSUT have done a lot of damage, haven't they?

  2. She is a privatizer in union leader's clothing.

  3. Randi was bought by Bill and Melinda Gates. She serves them ands he does not help the members of the AFT. It is absurd that we are forced to pay union dues and cannot opt out of the UFT/AFT. The policies of the union leadership are toxic policies which are hurtful to all teachers and union members. I ask that all like minded members organize and prepare for a lawsuit against the AFT and Randi Weingarten.

    1. I would rather force change from below via the rank and file making collaboration untenable, but alas, they rigged things such that no matter what the rank and file does, nothing changes at the top.

  4. Randi Weingarten and The Day of Misdirection.

    Oh wait, that's every day for her...

    1. I built a post around your comment, Michael. It summed up pithily what I wanted to say.

  5. Most teachers ignore what is being done to them.Complaining on a blog is not enough. We have to get involved

    1. I agree - but don't minimize "complaining on a blog." More and more people are reading these blogs and spreading the message. I see that in both the traffic I get here but also from people who work who say they have found many of these education blogs and no longer feel so isolated in the fight.
