Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Working Families Party Leadership Doesn't Sound Like They Want To Take On Cuomo

In response to the Siena College poll that showed a liberal Working Families Party candidate could do some serious damage to Governor Cuomo's totals in the 2014 general election, Working Families Party Executive Director Dan Cantor released this statement:

 “Most people are decent, and they want decent, progressive policies from their government. That’s why the Working Families Party was originally formed, and it’s what we’re fighting for today.”

Not exactly a call to arms to take on Cuomo, is it?


  1. Cuomo is neither decent nor progressive by any stretch of the imagination. So what exactly is the point Cantor is trying to make?

  2. This sucks. I would really like all of Albany, not just the governor's office, to suffer the small scare a solid third-party candidate could inject into the election.

    1. Totally agree. I think the two-party system stranglehold is choking what little is left of our democracy. It's very easy for the plutocrats to buy off both parties, knowing that most third party challenges are doomed to failure and even if they somehow succeed, those third party pols have little say in anything of importance.
