Thursday, August 14, 2014

NYSED To Release Common Core Test Scores Today

From WIVB:

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - The tests are over, and soon we will know the outcome of round two of Common Core testing. New York will release the results Thursday.

Students took the math and English tests in April. This is the second year of the controversial testing standards. New York students scored lower last year than they typically do on standardized tests.

The results are important because they influence teacher evaluation and student placement.



  1. Rigged. Totally Rigged. The scores will be a little bit better. A rigged salve to those who want to dismantle the garbage CCSS. A sickening manipulation, totally scripted with the purpose of ramming the Core down the throats of the public.

    1. It will be surprising if scores don't go up.

    2. That would make the most sense. Then they could point to progress, CCSS working, Engage NY fabulous blah blah blah. But John King is an arrogant man and Merryl Tisch is an arrogant woman. So you never know with them.

  2. The CC scores be manipulated just like Bloomberg/Klein did with the cut scores of ELA exams about 5 years ago and created an abundance of 'A' schools which was so ridiculous.

  3. Predictions?

    More lies, deception, dissembling, duplicity, and more attacks on the way...

  4. Increase of scores within the students will demonstrate to the public and "special interests" that common core is working and common core is the way for college and career. Deception at its best! Parents and teachers need to continue this fight to stop high stakes testing and common core.

    1. That's where they should go with this. Makes the most sense.
