Friday, August 1, 2014

Pearson Owns New York

The gravy train for Pearson continues in John King's and Andy Cuomo's New York:

Becoming a teacher in New York state is getting more expensive.

The price of basic teacher certification exams has more than doubled this year and it's taking a toll, educators said.


Essentially, the regimen of tests and assessments needed for a certification degree has gone from $317 to $652 this year.

That's on top of other costs that have been in place for a while such as fingerprinting and required background checks, not to mention tuition.

The edTPA, which is an acronym for an assessment that includes a video of a student-teacher's performance along with lengthy explanations of their lesson plans and other activities, is a new requirement this year and costs $300.


The array of tests needed to become a certified teacher is complicated, but there used to be three core exams.

Those were Assessment of Teaching Skills-written, Liberal Arts and Science, and Content Specialty, according to state guidelines.

Each of those cost $119, although in years past some could be taken on paper rather than computer for $79. It wasn't clear why the price went up for the online version, which avoids printing and mailing costs.

Either way, the old package could cost as little as $317.

But starting this year, there are new tests: Educating All Students; Academic Literacy Skills and Content Specialty, which cost $102, $131 and $119 – and the $300 edTPA.

Most are written and administered by Pearson PLC, a global corporation that designs and sells tests as well as publish newspapers and books. They also score the edTPA.

Calls to Pearson were referred to Stanford University, which helped develop the edTPA.

Why did the costs of the ATS, LAST and Content Specialty exam go up when they moved from paper to computer?

Because Pearson wants more money in their coffers, that's why.

And because the politicians and the educrats in this state care more about what's good for Pearson than they do what's good for schools, students or teachers, what Pearson wants, Pearson gets.

We know that Pearson bribed the former NYSED Commissioner, David Steiner, with junkets - you can be sure that other pols and educrats are on the "unofficial" Pearson payroll as well, either with junkets and other favors now or with jobs and consultant gigs in the future.

It is becoming pretty clear as we go that Pearson runs the education policy in this state, from the testing policies to the teacher certification policies.

Just another example of the Cesspool of Corruption that is Andrew Cuomo's New York.


  1. bet charters don't have to have their teachers do this.
    On the other hand - the more difficult they make it the harder to recruit replacement parts. When the well dries up as it has in the past - they will be plucking people off the streets - that's pretty much how I got into teaching.

  2. I would also like to point out the lack of competitive bidding for Pearson to slowly receive all of New York's education dollars. They even print the learner's permit manual now.

  3. As long as TFA is around providing an eness stream or cheap, malleable, and temporary fresh meat, I doubt the possibility of a shortage of REAL teachers bothers any of them. Just pile 100 kids in a room with a newbie, and call it "meeting individual needs" while pocketing the saved cash from not paying top salaries and pension contributions.
