Monday, October 27, 2014

Cuomo Says People Under Ebola Quarantine Should Read His Book

Governor Narcissist returns to his favorite subject - himself:

Gov. Cuomo downplayed the burden of following the mandatory 21 day quarantine he ordered for returning Ebola health workers - and joked they should pick up his new book as a way to pass the time.
"I'm asking those people who were in contact with infected people - stay at home for 21 days. We will pay. Enjoy your family. Enjoy your kids. Enjoy your friends,” Cuomo said. “Read a book. Read my book. You don't have to read my book. But stay at home for 21 days.”

Yeah, he was joking about reading his book.

The part that seems like a joke but isn't is this:

He's quarantining people who have had contact with people who have contracted Ebola but allowing family and friends to come and go to see the potentially-infected quarantee.

Doesn't that kinda undercut the whole effectiveness part of the quarantine?

Doesn't this seem not just another half-assed Cuomo policy, ill-conceived, ill-thought out, ill-carried out?


  1. There are individuals that have contacted Ebola in our country. That would get Cuomo's book sales up to 987. Heard Harper-Collins feels that their $700K advance to Il Duce was viewed as necessary in NY State's pay to play culture.

  2. Cuomo must be desperate for book sales.

  3. His book is bathroom literature...though, I prefer Mad magazine.

  4. People who read his book should be quarantined.
