Monday, November 17, 2014

Bridgegate Investigation Into Chris Christie Expected To Continue Into 2015

Behind a paywall at the WSJ, but here's the opening:

The federal investigation into the George Washington Bridge lane closures likely won’t wrap up until sometime in 2015, people familiar with the matter said, potentially complicating New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s path to a possible presidential run.

A little more:

Christie wants everyone to think the investigation's all but over and he's in the clear.

Somebody leaked to WNBC 4 back in September that Christie would have been charged already if the feds had anything on him.

It was probably leaked by Christie's people themselves to WNBC 4 - then Brian Williams reported it on the NBC Nightly News like it was gospel truth.

It wasn't and Christie isn't in the clear by a longshot, no matter what he wants people to think - as the WSJ report from Friday demonstrates.

In fact, Bridgegate could resurface for him just as he's embarking on his presidential bid and put an end to it before it starts.

Won't that be karma?

And let's not forget, the investigation also entails looking into the shakedown of Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer in a Shoprite parking lot by Christie's lieutenant governor and a whole host of corruption and conflict of  interest allegations around Christie's Port Authority cronies.

There's a lot for investigators to look into here and it's going to take some time.

Better make a sandwich.


  1. Justice delayed is justice denied, And, yes double standards for the rich and powerful make a travesty of the American "justice" system. Has not the American way deviated into preferential "justice" for the rich and powerful?
