Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Question For Governor Cuomo About My Teacher Evaluation Rating

Let's say I've been getting my students ready for a Regents test next week, doing the usual job I do to have them knowledgeable about the material that will be tested and skilled to carry out the test tasks, and then a major snowstorm hits on the test day.

Let's say school isn't cancelled because Chancellor Farina thinks it's a beautiful day but 60% of my students stay home from the test because the snow is deep enough for them to, in former Mayor Bloomberg's immortal Boxer Day Blizzard words, "Take in a show."

Will this kind of snow event be taken into account when my VAM is being calculated by the geniuses at NYSED and they see 60% of my students didn't show up for the test or should I start making plans now for my next career in fast food or as a Walmart greeter?

Because the weather is starting to sound like it's going to be a tad unsettled next week and some unlucky students and unlucky teachers may have a major snowstorm cause major headaches on the very day there's a major Regents exam that has major consequences for both.

If we're going to make test scores the be-all and end-all of everything, you can see how something like a snowstorm cancelling school (as happened some years ago with the US History Regents) or just causing some students to stay home could create a huge mess for teachers linked to student test scores.

I mean, you can see that, can't you, Governor?

Or is a major snowstorm the fault of "bad teachers" too?


  1. I was just thinking about this myself as I'm convinced that many of my 12th grade repeaters will probably not venture out into a snowstorm for the English Regents exam.

    I'd also like to ask the governor if the number of students who show up to the test stoned will be taken into account when my VAM is calculated.

    1. The governor said its okay if students show up 'stoned' for the Earth Science Regent exam. He said being in that state of mind- there is a better chance that they might remember the various rock formations that occurred during the course of history.

  2. I guess it's not the worst time to be a phys ed teacher, huh?

  3. Unless your MOSL scores coincide with the English Regents.

    1. In the South Bronx where 11th grade English equals a 4th grade level. AH HA HAHA HAAAA HA GA HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

  4. First, you should stop making it snow. I know you think this is a jobs program, but it's not. Being afraid to be held accountable does not give you the right to excercise your control over the forces of nature. I am so sick of unions making the lives of the rest of us difficult; sheesh.

    Second, youn don't have vam. What we in MYC high schools have this year is worse: your score is based on the basic passing rate of your whole department. They do not even bother measuring the value you've added to your students. They don't bother with junk science this year unless you're graded 4-8 Ela or math. I'll send you the most guide of you like, but it's just that depressing.

    Third, we're actually only measured on the students who show for the test (which is why the governor is probably just going to blame the snowstorm on us).

    1. What do you mean by department? There are many schools that have one teacher teaching the course four teachers teaching ex. math in the school and , everyone doing their own thing. Does that constitute a department? So all the students who take the algebra regents are reflected in the scores for the teachers teaching algebra? What is you have a split program- I teach 2 algebra 1 and 3 algebra 2? How is this done? I read pg 43 and on in the NYS Education Department Guidance on the New York State's Annual Professional Performance Review For Teachers and Principals to Implement Education Law §3012-c and the Commissioner's Regulations. This is very convoluted with a a whole host of abbreviations but I got the sense that if 16 students take your exam then it is valid for evaluation purposes. These are the things that our union should be doing and telling their members. We need these documents translated into plain English so the "boots on the ground" know what all this means to them.

    2. Did you purchase an X-mas gift for your principal? That's the main question. That's what really matters, social power.

    3. anoon 8:35; I don't quite understand this:
      "There are many schools that have one teacher teaching the course four teachers teaching ex. math in the school and , everyone doing their own thing. Does that constitute a department? "

      and. I think department when referring to state scores, may be a bit of misstatement. State scores (for HS) are rated by test (everyone who teaches Algebra for you). Local measures may (depending on what your committee divided) be department wide. Pardon the confusion.
      Which is why I completely agree that the UFT should oa better job making this point more clear to us: There is no VAM for high school teachers this year. Last year there was only VAM for ELA teachers in HS.
      Hope that makes more sense.

  5. RBE, you must've waked up a little sleep yesterday and forgot that Governor Cuomo determines the weather. He doesn't have to take his own weather into account for anything. It's just like his Moreland Commission. It was "his" Commission and he could do "whatever he wanted with it." Just like it's his snow and he can do whatever he wants with it, Regents or no Regents.
