Sunday, January 4, 2015

Will Merryl Tisch's New NYSED Teacher Arbitrators Do Same Job NYSED Did With "Dr" Ted Morris Jr. Vetting?

In the middle of a Daily News editorial approving of the Cuomo/Tisch plan to "toughen" teacher evaluations and so-called accountability measures comes this:

In conjunction with this evaluation overhaul, the governor and Legislature must finally fix the tangled process for severing the worst teachers from the payroll.
The machinery is Soviet in its efficiency. In New York City, the average length of hearing time required to render a decision on terminating a teacher is a slothlike 190 days.
Tisch and Berlin urge replacing union-approved contractor arbitrators with a new cadre of state employees “who will be held accountable for strict adherence” to timelines written in law.

Right - just the way the merry men and women in reform at NYSED held themselves accountable when they handed over a charter school to a con artist who lied about his work experience and credentials.

Oh, no - wait.

No one was held accountable for that mess.

Regents Chancellor Tisch blamed SED.

The head of the charter division at NYSED went into hiding and refused to respond to queries from the press over the "Dr" Ted matter.

NYSED Commissioner King slunk out of Albany without ever addressing how "Dr" Ted got a charter school.

And the lieutenant governor at the time made excuses for "Dr" Ted and refused to push for any accountability for SED or the Regents.

That's an extraordinary amount of accountability from the state educrats who Tisch now wants to replace contractor arbitrators for teacher hearings.

Oh, no - wait.

They completely passed the buck on accountability.

I'm sure they'll be more accountable in that process though.

Yeah, right.

Who knows - "Dr" Ted Morris Jr. might end as an arbitrator.

Wouldn't that be a perfect emblem of accountability for the educrats at NYSED and the Board of regents?


  1. Ahh, but there's a different standard for educrats. Did "Drs." King or Tisch master foreign languages or use them in dissertation s? Did they publish in peer-reviewed journals? Oh, wait, rigor is not for Ed. doctorates.

  2. There has to be some change to the arbitration process. An arbitrator can't just use the facts that arise during a hearing to make a decision. They have to think..."Will the DOE/UFT keep me on the panel if I terminate, don't terminate? "

  3. There has to be some change to the arbitration process. An arbitrator can't just use the facts that arise during a hearing to make a decision. They have to think..."Will the DOE/UFT keep me on the panel if I terminate, don't terminate? "

  4. Mr Mulgrew


  5. He's busy tickling Randi's toes and eating that abundant food at Unity buffets while he counts his double salary, with stipend and dreams about his double pension in days to come.
    Certainly not paying attention to the evil that has swooped down upon his union members.
