Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cuomo Pushing For A Commission To Handle Teacher Evaluation Reforms

Because it's never too late for another jive commission empaneled to give cover to politicians who already know what they want to push through but don't want to take a political hit for doing it:

Majority Leader Dean Skelos on Tuesday said his conference is “just about there with him” on education issues following a lengthy closed-door conference on the issue.

At this point, state lawmakers and Cuomo are considering the creation of a commission that would develop teacher evaluation criteria.

It’s unclear what the final composition of the panel would be and what their purview would be.
“Now it’s really about the commission, the composition of the commission and really want their charge would be in terms of finalizing education reform,” Skelos said.

It also remains undetermined if the panel’s recommendations would be immediately acted up on or have to be approved by the Legislature, he said.

“They would come up with recommendations to the Legislature and the question is whether we would vote for it or whether they would implement what they recommend,” Skelos said.

Remember that idea yesterday that Cuomo was dropping most of ed reform agenda in return for the ethics agreement he got from the Assembly Dems?

Turns out it's not to be so:

Cuomo is continuing to press on with most of his initial education reform agenda, though a lifting of the statewide cap on charter schools is being left for later in the legislative session.

Assembly Democrats remain at odds with Cuomo on a variety of education issues, including a school receivership proposal as well as an effort to reform teacher tenure and the evaluation procedures for teachers.

It looks like receivership, tenure changes and evaluation reform all still alive in the budget talks, but the charter cap is out.

So much for Assembly Dems getting anything out of Cuomo for caving on ethics reform.


  1. 5 bucks says that there is not a single teacher on the "education commission". (But 10 bucks says Mulgrew is on it)

    1. They'll put some E4E types on it to say teachers had a voice.

      Looks like they're also trying to make the findings from the panel a mandate - meaning no changes form whatever the "commission" decides.

      No word on whether Regina Calcaterra will chair.

  2. Cuomo will close it down like the Moreland Commission if it opposes what he dictates.

    1. Maybe he can bring Larry Schwartz back for some special tampering and meddling.

  3. Time for civil disobedience--do not let your children participate in these tests. Don't feed the beast. We win when the results of the crappy Pearson exams are further debased by low participation rates. SHUT IT DOWN!

    1. That's it - that's the only way to stop these elites now. Democracy is dead.

    2. Direct action is the essence of democracy not its death.

    3. I meant representative democracy, as in, representatives being responsive to constituents without, you know, a suitcase full of cash in return.

  4. May I sit on a commission to evaluate politicians?

  5. i would trade the next 9 years of my life just to be 55 already. I can't wait till this nightmare of a "profession" is over! Never thought I'd admit to wanting to be older.

    1. I have longer than that to go to get to my retirement. Doubtful I make it...which is of course the point for all these "reforms."

    2. Reality, you'll make it and so will I (I have 13 years left). Many of us will make it - MANY! Why? Because we'll figure a way to survive the system. Will it be easy? Of course not - the system is a mess and I am at a "good" school and can only imagine the horrors that exist at a "bad" school. I just can't and will not wish my 40's and first half of my 50's away because of this. I don't know, but perhaps some of these teachers who have their head in the sand have the right idea. Perhaps ignorance is bliss when it comes to all these reforms. They are not as stressed, not as anxiety ridden nor panicked as I am since I read all this news. Let's keep on fighting (writing policy makers, educating our peers) but for me personally I am going about it in this manner: I am doing the best I can. I go all out everyday. I have yet in 17.5 years of teaching ever refused a student who needed help be it my lunch period or a time that I really needed for myself (I've seen many other have). I give a shit and by the way, I am a good teacher. I have no control over anything else, and I will not let this stuff ruin my life in anyway. It has for the last number of years and it has to stop. Just my thoughts anyway.

  6. I have in 30 years, and I'll still fight these plutocrats when I'm 65, 70, 75, and maybe even 80!!!!

  7. The whole idea of a commission is ludicrous. Giving the governor, Assembly and Senate two appointments each to six member panel assures a political outcome, which we all know is what is desired. Cuomo and Skelos want to hammer teachers and their unions and the Assembly wants cover from our wrath.

    It is beyond belief that a teacher evaluation system is being created by politicians who don't have the foggiest idea of how teaching and learning occur in a classroom. I am thoroughly disgusted with both political parties and all 213 members of the state legislature.

    I really do think the only thing that can save us at this point are mass arrests of this band of crooks. We need a complete upheaval of both houses and we need parents to say ENOUGH! If those opting out reached 35 percent or more, that would terrify these creeps and stop them dead in their tracks.

  8. Mass arrests and promoting OPT OUT. The public gets it when parents say no to these odious exams... SHUT THEM DOWN

  9. Hooligans and flying monkeys leaving from Sara Lee's upgraded house willl sabotage the commission.

  10. ha ha ha ha ha ah ha ha ha ha haah ah ha ha
