Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Merryl Tisch Threatens "National Test" If Too Many Parents Opt Their Children Out Of The State Tests

Regents Chancellor Tisch gets more and more shrill these days over the Opt-Out movement:

ALBANY—If too many students "opt out" of Common Core-aligned state exams later this month, New York might be forced to administer national tests instead, Board of Regents chancellor Merryl Tisch said during a public radio interview on Tuesday.

“New York is in a unique position,” Tisch said on WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show.” “Most other states in this country are being forced into two national tests. New York State took the opportunity over these last several years to build our own state tests, and that is exactly why I am particularly interested in curtailing this ‘opt out’ movement. Because in order for us to be able to have viable state test, we need a viable number of students in every district showing up to be tested. We need to have valid, reliable state assessments.

“In the absence of that critical number we will be forced, unfortunately—and I truly believe unfortunately—to adopt a national test,” she said.

The desperation Tisch and the other educrats are feeling comes out in their apocalyptic rhetoric.

She likes to make believe she's the "adult" in the room:

“I listened very carefully to the language of the legislative leaders, particularly Assemblywoman [Catherine] Nolan and chairman [John] Flanagan on the Senate side,” Tisch said. “I think, quite frankly, everyone is all over the map here. They are looking to us to bring a grown up’s perspective to a very complicated issue, and as I said before, I am going to tune out the political noise.”

Looking for the Regents to bring a grown up's perspective?

That's a laugh.

Merryl Tisch is such a petulant child who refused to take responsibility when the Board of Regents handed a charter school over to "Dr" Ted J Morris Jr., MA, Ph.D, MSW and Morris was revealed to be a fraud.

In my experience, grown ups take responsibility for their actions.

Tisch, on the other and, sounds a lot like a petulant child blaming others of or her own mistakes and lashing out when things happen she doesn't like.


  1. Obnoxious. However, what if NY did have to administer a national test? Cant opt out of that? Or, if for some reason opt out is not possible on another test, there is the end of the NYS opt out movement. They'll just go national.

    Regardless, teachers in NYS should have NO faith in Opt-Out as a savior for our careers.

    1. Nahh - parents can opt children out of the PARCC too. Only way opt out isn't option is if state pols decide to back move to make opt out illegal and/or harmful to the districts. But they cannot do that under the cover of night - they'd have to take a public vote on that. Think many politicians want to publicly support forcing kids to take the state tests or else?

      I have another coming in a bit, will show how the deformers are working overtime to fool the public into thinking the new evaluation system "reduces testing."

      You can see that the anxiety over overtesting is still there.

    2. Parents can refuse any test. Look at the opt out data for NJ on the first round of PARCC testing. NY is still officially a PARCC state; NYSED and the BOR decided to temporarily suspend our commitment due to technology issues. Cuomo's Smarter Schools bond act was all about getting districts the money needed to upgrade computers and bandwidth. I pray that Tish makes good on her promise as it will be sure to incite parent riots across the state.

    3. So far, the broadband plan hasn't come to much:


  2. Utterly clueless. Go ahead and bring the PARCC test to NYS. And when parents realize that their tax dollars are going into technology upgrades for more (2 tests a year) testing, they will bow down to her wisdom and happily retract their opt out letters.

    1. And even with all the technology upgrades, the system will stay crash more often than not.

      I agree with you, NY Teacher. Let Tischie bring PARCC tests to NY.

      Let's see how that plays with parents.

  3. Tisch's ass is grass and the opt out movement is the lawn mower, as it were. Long Islanders start your lawn mowers and trim this petulant obnoxious plutocrat.

    1. Or at least give her a ride on the lawnmower into retirement.

    2. It would be nice if Tisch would just go away...she is a disgrace to our wonderful state. We, the people of New York, do not want her 1) formulating any policies against our children, our public schools, and our educators, and 2) IMMEDIATELY step down from the board. Please go home to your family, and create educational policies for all of the Tisch's. The day will eventually come when she is gone, we just have to get through the nightmare.

  4. Tisch is a scoundrel. When government resorts to threatening citizens it rarely ends well for the bureaucrats. The bottom line is that parents can opt their kid out of any of these state or federal tests. Any law to the contrary will not survive a judicial challenge even if could make it politically. These tests are not part of a student's grade. Case closed. If enough parents opt their kids out, the politicians and the Board of Regents/SED will head for the hills. It just happened on Long Island with speed zone cameras. A few well timed rallies and scathing verbal and written reaction let to both counties rescinding their laws.

    1. That's right - Tisch knows she's got little political backing these days, especially with her pal Shelly Silver under indictment and stripped of power.

      It won't take much for all these politicians to run for the hills if parents rise up.

      You already see that with how Assembly Dems handled the budget they passed with "heavy hearts" - they're desperate to spin that.

  5. "National Test" = complete fascism. We are a country that is composed of a REPUBLIC OF STATES. That means the federal government should not have any sort of a "national test". There are a number of republican candidates for president that have called for the abolition of the Federal Department of Education. Even if you hate republicans you can at least understand that the democrats have been no friends to the teaching profession for quite a few years now.

  6. Sounds desperate. She made this mess and deserves everything she is getting! What an a whole Chancellor

  7. You are just fanning the flame Tuschie. Keep it up! New York's working folks do not like to be threatened by lame duck plutocrats who are personally responsible for extensive damage to our state's system of education. Soon you will go back to your deep concern about our state's dark skinned children. That rings very hollow when we are fully aware that you and your 1% friends do not want to be taxed to support opportunity for brown skinned children. What a witch!

  8. This is what happens when incompetency is put in "power". They blame everyone but themselves for their failures. Ms Tisch's roller coaster is picking up speed as it is heading for a crash landing.

  9. My family has opted out of your high stakes scam, Ms Tisch. We will not allow you to use u for the purpose of destroying our public education system. She should be arrested and carted off to prison, where she can spend all her days reading Common Core passages, and Pearson's confusing and bastardized math. It would be my pleasure to buy her all the worksheets! Just save some blank sheets for Mr Cuomo...he should have much extra free time on his hands also.
