Thursday, May 21, 2015

Merryl Tisch Condescends To Parents

Ah, yes - the doyenne of testing thinks she knows what's best for other people's children.

She cannot change her stripes - she is an authoritarian and an elitist who simply cannot imagine that anybody knows better than she.

Endless Testing forever!

Whether you like it or not.


  1. The best thing that could happen for the public school children of New York State is for Ms. Tisch to be fired the week before Preet Bharara arrests Andrew Cuomo.

  2. Same women who went out on the "not listening" tour with King after things blew up in Poughkeepsie. She and King both think of parents as "special interest groups." She should be asked by her fellow Regents to resign immediately!

  3. Every time she opens her mouth she further galvanizes the opt-out movement!

  4. When is the rally/demonstration to have Tisch removed? When is it?????? Where is it??????

  5. Tisch has had her chance--people have clearly rejected the nonsense that she and King were trying to put over on the people of this state. She will be dumped soon as her babbling has undermined her last shred of credibility. Just like Michelle Rhee has had to go into hiding --it is Tuschies time to disappear--she has been a good soldier but her usefulness to the transformers (not reformers) has ended. Look for the next big public spokesperson--they haved been auditioning Campbell Brown but her husband's politics are a disaster--Bush, Cheney, Iraq.

  6. The woman is a known drunk who has helped make a mess of public education in this state. Why anyone would listen to her is a mystery. She is a charter school cheerleader and an elitist. She knows nothing about modern public education or what teachers, students and parents really believe and need. She resides in a world far from reality. The fact she is chancellor of the Board of Regents is laughable and disgraceful at the same time.

  7. Meryl Tisch is a Sheldon Silver crony appointment.

  8. "I hope over the next year to convince parents to help us help them understand why we produce tests designed to fail their kids."

  9. "I hope over the next year to convince patents to help us help them understand why I do not belong in this position, what a moron I am, and how harmful the educational policies I have pushed for the state".

    "And then I hope to continue in the capacity of Chancellor for another term".

    "After all, I have money, plenty of it for that matter...I have connections in both family and friends, it doesn't matter that some have been indicted and others may be, and I like how I look in the mirror when I look at myself".

    "And lastly, what could parents across the state know about raising their children?...

    "I know best...I am the State!"

  10. She really wishes she could boil a dozen of them and get the rest of their attention.
