Thursday, May 7, 2015

NYSED Sends Message To Teachers And Principals

From State of Politics:
At 9 a.m., the state Education Departmentis kicks off an all-day “Learning Summit” on teacher and principal evaluation today. The event will be webcast live from the Carole Huxley Theater in the New York State Museum, 222 Madison Ave., Albany.

Ah yes - the all-day "Learning Summit" on teacher and principal evaluations held on a school day at a time when teachers and principals are working.

Message sent - teacher and principal-input not wanted.


  1. Why would they want teacher and principal input?

  2. A "false inclusion" of professional educators. Invite them when they will be unable to go, and then blame them for not going when they should have.

    Perhaps this will be an "Engage New York" module of Common Core Language Arts, thoroughly designed to confuse our best and brightest.

    As the reformers infest our public schools to privatize and destroy our democracy, let's build more and more prisons to quarantine and lock these monsters far away from our schools and our children, and protect our great nation.

  3. what a fregen mess as we have a bunch of morons sitting together to discuss the fate of hundreds of hard working teachers. The sad truth here is that most of these goons have never been in a classroom AND I can assure you have never been in a classroom in the south bronx or in brooklyn where that mcdonalds fight occurred among "our kids"
