Wednesday, June 17, 2015

John Flanagan Introduces Bill To Raise Charter Cap

From State of Politics:

Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan has introduced a stand-alone bill designed to raise the charter cap by 100 and remove geographic distinctions between the statewide and citywide limit for those schools.

The bill would allow potential charter schools to choose which entity authorizes them: Either the Board of Regents or the State University of New York.

Flanagan’s measure would allow charters to re-enter the “pool” of available charters should a school close.

Based on the number of schools that have closed or are closing, one analysis shows 184 new charter schools could be authorized by the bill.

No match for the bill in the Assembly, but given the great linkage of bills that is expected soon, with rent regulation, the education tax credit, the 421-a, et al. all possibly thrown into one mish-mosh and passed, it's pretty conceivable the charter cap will see an increase as part of the mish-mosh too.

We're told Assembly Dems are still resisting the tax credit, but I don't put too much hope in the heavy hearts to hold the line any more.

As for the charter cap, I have even less hope they'll hold the line on that.

But we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. This is certainly not surprising to those of us who know John Flanagan. You see, he is my senator. He sold his soul to the charter school crowd years ago, after moving from the Assembly to the Senate. He receives tens of thousands of dollars in contributions from the charter school people and uses this money to pay for his car, food, phone, Christmas gifts, parking, tolls, etc. Now as Senate Majority Leader, he needs the more than $1 million the charter people pumped into the Senate Republican Campaign Committee each election cycle so he can keep his grip on power. Sadly, while NYSUT hasn't endorsed Flanagan is recent elections, they still still contribute to his campaigns. Last year NYSUT gave this creep $7,750. See how Andy Pallotta works against those of in the classroom. NYSUT/UFT doesn't give a damn about any of us. Period.
