Wednesday, June 3, 2015

NY Post Screws Freelancers

From this morning's Capital Playbook email:

--POST’s photo freelancer pay – Per Capital Media Pro: That the New York Post‘s new contract for photo freelancers has raised eyebrows over a clause in which a photog’s standard shift pay can be reduced or docked altogether if the paper isn’t happy with his or her work. “Publisher may elect to not pay Freelancer where Freelancer’s photographs are deemed unpublishable or incomplete by the Publisher,” reads the tabloid’s latest independent contractor agreement for photographers, which was shared by a source. “Publisher may also elect to pay Freelancer a reduced fee where Freelancer submits poor quality photographs or incomplete work that is published.” A Post rep didn’t respond to a request for comment.

This is of course the vision Rupert Murdoch and the Posties have for education too - discretion goes to those in power to decide whether something is of "value" or not.

1 comment:

  1. Rupert Murdoch's version of Common Core, VAM, and Danielson Rubric for freelancers...

    Another way to screw professionals...compliments from a vulture of the Reform (or more appropriately called), the Deform Movement.

    Which group will be next?

    Mr Murdock is a tyrant who deserves the punishment that previous tyrants have justifiably been served.
