Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Feel The Bern NYC Meet-Up

That's right! We are the People for Bernie Sanders. He is the only presidential candidate that is truly a champion for the people. We are tired of talking puppets reading from a script. We are ready for a political revolution. We are ready for Bernie and boy do we #FeelTheBern! Join us to be a part of it to! At this momentous event, us Bernie supporters will be meeting with each other and sharing our stories, and then we will watch and listen to Bernie's live message about what is coming next. By the end of the night, we will all have had the chance to take the next steps to help elect Bernie Sanders as our next president. 

July 29
The Royal NYC
127 4th Ave, New York, New York 10003

If you're angry about the top-down AFT leaders decision to endorse Hillary Clinton 16 months out from the election, this is a great opportunity to show the AFT leadership that there is plenty of rank and file member support for other candidates.


  1. Do you remember President Ralph Nader in the electiion of 2000?

    1. Wrong analogue.

      Trump's the guy threatening to run third party if he doesn't get the nomination, not Sanders.

      Nothing wrong with making a statement of support for Bernie Sanders during the primary season, is there?

  2. Bernie is the champion of th 99%.
    Hilary is the champion of the 1%.


    1. It's Common Core Math to think Hillary's policies will add up to anything but a negative for teachers and public education, that's for sure.

  3. Bernie is for the common man.
    Hilary is a shill for the common core.

    1. Which makes Randi and the AFT shills for the shill.

    2. Two shillings and a tuppence, mate

  4. The last time the American people had a leader who championed the 99% was the rising prominent John F. Kennedy Jr. He would have been a threat to the 1%...soon after his untimely death, the American people were saddled with the incompetent George Bush. The rest is history.

    We now have chance to elect a new champion...a leader who contributed to making public education in Vermont among the best in the nation.

    A vote for Bernie Sanders is vote for public education, and a vote for public education is a vote for our future...

    A vote for public education and our future...is a vote...for our children.
