Monday, July 13, 2015

Randi Weingarten On The Defense, But She's Pretty Sure It'll All Die Down

You can see from Randi Weingarten's Twitter feed and Facebook page that she's feeling some of the heat after the AFT announced it had endorsed Hillary Clinton for president 16 months out from the election.

The AFT is the first major labor organization to announce an endorsement for 2016.

There is a lot of talk on the Internet that this could really be the watershed moment when AFT members finally realize Randi Weingarten and the AFT leadership doesn't care about them , that they see the union only as a vehicle for their own benefit, advancement and aggrandizement.

A commenter here at Perdido Street School says - nahh:

Stop. RANDI WILL CONTINUE TO BE THE LEADER OF THE AFT, WILL CONTINUE TO BE FOISTED ABOUT AS THE FACE AND VOICE OF ORGANIZED TEACHERS AND WILL CONTINUE TO SELL US OUT. Why? Because she knows that teachers don't have what it takes to remove her. And we don't. She has F'd us soooooo many times and what did we do (besides complain)? Yup. Nothing. Same goes for NYSUT. We had an RA this year. Not a peep. Turns out teachers were only a strong and formidable political force when it was easy...when leadership was loud and we weren't so removed from the labor movement's origins....and when we didn't face existential threats. We are going to lose it all. Period. Full stop. We cant even get our unions on our side. We don't have what it takes
Sorry folks. We kind of suck. We don't even know what a rampart is, let alone know how to storm one. This is what it looks like when a generation or two don't meet the challenge of their time.

What say you out there - watershed moment for many in the AFT or just another one of those moments when people get angry for a while, then it all dies down?


  1. How is a dictator overthrown? I don't see teachers having a coup. Tweeting seems to be the ridiculous alternative of choice.

  2. Our Union is supporting the loss of good middle class jobs, our jobs. This is a part if a concerted effort on the part of the billionaires to control everything. It further exacerbates income inequality, a worldwide dilemma that was compounded after the banking crisis. As money and assets flowed into the hands of the bankers and their wealthy friends. If we are to take back what is ours we need to replace current leadership at all levels. And ensure that those we vote in will work diligently for the working person.

  3. Outside the bogosphere, people in my acquaintanceship could not be less concerned. It is not a watershed moment here in Jersey.

    Abigail Shure

  4. Also want to point out the timing of the "endorsement " in mid summer when people are on vacation and/or trying to distress. Don't think for a millisecond that this was not calculated into the farce. Remember with Weingarten et al it's all about trickery, secrecy, back room, bait and switch and other conmans games.

    1. Indeed. I was actually on the road myself when the news came down.

  5. Have the members not learned from the terrible, horrible 2005 contract deal Randi made with the DoE and Bloomberg? Have the members not learned how Randi did not fighting Joel Klein when he changed the budget unit charge for teachers to the Fair Child Spending that brought about the hiring of cheap, inexpensive teachers? Have the members not learned how Randi decided to open two charter schools knowing fully that the members were against it because of Moskowitz stealing space from the public schools? Have the members not learned how Randi decided to negotiate with Bloomberg in reducing the TDA 8.25% to 7% so teachers can gain those two days in August when it was originally negotiated in the 2007 contract without any input from the members? Have the members not learned how in 2008 assured the rank and file that Bloomberg would not run a third-term as mayor, bringing out guards down, only to have that BASTARD violating the citizens' rights for a referendum on term limits and stealing another term in office? Have the members not learned how in the DA we kept telling Randi that we must endorse a candidate that would end the Reign of Terror in NYC and how she left that decision to Mulgrew because Randi decided to leave in June 2009 to become the AFT President?

    I hope that the rank and file have finally learned these lessons from seeing and feeling Randi's constant betrayal and negligence of the members' rights. If they haven't learned from all these lessons and do not take actions and make the necessary changes to take back our union and instill Democracy within it, then expect more beat downs from her as she continues to use your dues and get paid close to $500,000.

    Oh dear God! We can't be that naïve!

    1. Yes, Randi bringing the AFT as a whole the same sellouts she brought to the UFT. Though to be fair, AFT leadership before Randi sucked too.
