Friday, July 24, 2015

State Senator John Sampson Found Guilty of Three Felony Counts

What a week in New York:

If you're thinking, well, Sampson's making out here because he walked on six of the counts, don't bet on it:
Finally, the lesson for the week?

Indeed, so often it isn't the initial crime that gets people, it's the lying and covering it up.

More as it comes in.


  1. The initial crime is oftentimes harder to prove. They'll get you any way they can.

  2. WTF? Cuomo ran the racketeering conference 3 man monte.

  3. Two down...sixty to go. Don't just make an example of the worst...every one of our legislators are dirty. Send them all behind bars.

  4. We need some locofocos...
