Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Trump: Jeb Bush Should Stop Speaking Spanish


Jeb Bush should speak English while he is in the United States, Donald Trump said Wednesday, in the latest escalation of the brewing feud between the two Republican candidates.

“I like Jeb,” the real estate mogul said in an interview with Breitbart News. “He’s a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.”

Shouldn't be long until they start handing out the arm bands and uniforms.

At first I found the whole Trump thing disconcerting, then I started to enjoy the circus spectacle (particularly the "Make Jeb Look Like A Twerp" part of the show.)
But quite frankly, there's a lot to be alarmed about here.

George Carlin said when fascism came to the United States it would be wearing sneakers and a smiley face shirt.

It's starting to look like the smiley face just showed up at the door.

That's the uniform this time around.


  1. The framework for fascism is already in place. Trump is just trying it in for size. This is so very disturbing

  2. Trump refuses to take donor money, despises common core, and supports local control for schools. Good enough for me.

    1. Are you comfortable with Trump having access to nuclear launch codes and having the ability to order the military anywhere he wants? I'm not.

    2. Trump was very vocal in his opposition to the Iraq war. The Democrats sold teachers out is a very big way. I will NEVER vote for another one again.

  3. Can he at least stop talking Bushish?

  4. Trump should stop speaking English!

  5. Trump should stop speaking. PERIOD!

  6. I'm voting for TRUMP. My wife as well. Our entire families and close friends. I can't wait to vote for him. I don't give a shit if he really shouldn't be president. Who cares. I'm voting Trump all the way

    1. I don't agree with the immigration stuff, but I love Trump!
      So, for me, it will be either Trump, Sanders or Stein (Green Party).

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The leading Dem is a congenital liar about to implode and the leading Republican is a wild-haired blowhard likewise headed towards implosion. That leaves a socialist relic v Bush. Even the unreconstructed faculty lounge leftists know Bernie is a disaster.

    No wonder Joe Biden (AKA crazy uncle Joe) sees an opportunity to get in and win the race.

  9. Great! Isn't Biden's brother a charter school charlatan?

  10. When is Bernie going to announce his pick of ol Bolshevik Norm Scott as his running mate?

    1. Why pick him when a living Communist is available... cue the mayor!
