Friday, October 30, 2015

Cuomo Plans To Lead National Gun Control Campaign In 2016

From the "If I'm not under indictment, I have grand political plans" file:

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo intends to take a lead role in a broad campaign pressing for a crackdown on the improper dealing of firearms, swerving into national politics on an issue that has caused him some political heartburn in New York but has become a defining subject of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, has pledged to throw his weight behind the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, one of the country’s most prominent gun control groups, in an as-yet-unannounced effort demanding that the Justice Department more closely scrutinize so-called bad apple gun merchants, according to people familiar with the campaign.

Mr. Cuomo, in an interview about his plans to work with the Brady Campaign, promised that his involvement in national gun politics would continue to deepen. He said he would hit the campaign trail in 2016 to emphasize the issue of gun violence, which he repeatedly called “the big issue” in national politics.

Dunno about your reading of this, but my reading is, Cuomo's trying to ride the gun control issue to national prominence to set up future political opportunities for himself.

Of course, that dream could hit this wall.


  1. And of course not to mention--he would be in a favorable light of Michael Bloomberg-which means big. big bucks for Cuomos next governor's-election bid-or maybe a run for the US Senate down the road.

  2. This is an insurance policy for Cuomo. Positive news, making alot of power-brokers happy, a national positive view.....all padding against a federal prosecutor.


  3. Cuomo is brown nosing the Obama administration to immunize himself against prosecution by Bharara and the Obama creepy crony DOJ. The laws of the United States only apply to the little people. The DOJ is the essentiual political tool of the Obama administration in its betrayal of America.
