Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Republican Assemblyman Not Buying Cuomo's Common Core Task Force Jive

Skepticism abounds:

North country Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush says Governor Cuomo's plan to have a task force look at problems related to the controversial Common Core curriculum doesn't make the grade.

Blankenbush is skeptical about the task force membership and says if the governor thinks this group will come up with something dramatically different than what we have now, he's kidding himself.

He says reform needs to happen with the help of teachers, administrators and parents.

"As long as those groups are not represented on this task force, I can't see it change - or a major change in the Common Core," said Blankenbush (R. - 117th District).

The task force is rigged with pro-CCSS people.

They may as well release the results of their task force now, because we know what they're going to be.

The CCSS will get slight tweaks, perhaps a new name, but the Endless Testing regime will go on.


  1. More bullshit from a politician...Cuomo is nothing but a phony politician just like the rest of them....the state and city of new york are falling apart being run by stupid politicians. Yes, the same politicians who bash teachers are now getting the crap thrown back into their face being called stupid, dumb and weak thanks to donald trump who has exposed these jerks

  2. I'm pretty sure the report was written before the Confederacy of Dunces was even assembled.

  3. I'm pretty sure the report was written before the Confederacy of Dunces was even assembled.
