Thursday, November 5, 2015

Merryl Tisch Still Loves Common Core And Endless Testing

The Doyenne of Testing may be on the way out, but that hasn't stopped her from weighing on on how swell her education reform agenda is:

The state’s outgoing education policy chief on Wednesday implored Gov. Andrew Cuomo to preserve the state’s new tougher learning standards and exams, despite mounting opposition from parents and teachers unions.


Tisch said during a public radio interview Wednesday that Cuomo “believes in high standards, he believes in testing,” but he is also “hearing a lot of noise in the background” from Common Core critics. Calling the governor a “very important ally in the reform effort,” she urged him not to let the backlash steer him away from the standards.

“I understand that people are putting enormous pressure to roll back, to stand still, to do a moratorium,” she said on WNYC’s Brian Lehrer Show. However, she added, “I would just hope that when they push back, that no one panics.”

Tisch need not worry about Cuomo changing anything - his CCSS task force is doing all they can to limit attendance at their public hearings so as to not hear much of anything from critics of the reform policies the state pursues.

Just another sign that all we're getting at the state level is a "rebranding" of Common Core and the Endless Testing regime.

State pols and educrats have no intention of changing direction in policy.

Common Core (though perhaps by another name and with minor tweaks) and the Endless Testing regime will live on until politicians are made to pay  apolitical price for their support.

That means voting a few of these crooks out of office BECAUSE of their support for Common Core, the Endless testing regime and the corporate education reform agenda.


  1. Any true criminal knows the mantra: stick to your story.

  2. You are exactly right, RBE: until elected officials see that there is a heavy political price to pay for endorsing these toxic policies, no matter how much money they get from Wall Street, Gates, Broad, etc., they will keep on supporting them.

    That also presupposes a change on UFT/AFT leadership, since the the current misleadership has demonstrated time and again that they are captives, if not explicit supporters, of so-called reform,

  3. Testing is for the little people.

  4. It would be great to see the young children in Ms Tisch's family having the Common Core garbage served up to them...I'm sure the outgoing Marie Antoinette would most certainly change her tune from "I would just hope that when they push back, that no one panics" "get my children the hell out of there".

    Tisch will be remembered as the grand sorceress who pedaled poison for the children of New long as it's the children of other people and not her own.

    The face of evil...the mind of a monster...the heart of savoir faire...serving up Common Core everyone's children, except to her own.

    New York's rendition of the "college and career ready nightmare"!

    I guess when you marry a billionaire, you can dangle and twist your pearls as you tinker with policies that can plunder and destroy a generation of our children.

    Her next stop?

    Behind Duncan and King in D.C.?

    The Jeb Bush "Secretary of Education"?

    The new Pearson CEO?

    The new owner of the Daily News?

    The General Counsel of a brand new type of that doesn't only hood teens and young adults, but newborns as well?

    Perhaps it's off to the be serviced by the next generation of college and career ready servants...

    ...up to their eyeballs in Engage New York modules...the first generation of 21st century peasants serving her highness, the Doyenne of Testing...the Dragon Empress of the VAM aflicted opiate population.
